World's Best Ford Spark Plug Thread Repair Kit P/n 5553. See instructions for details. Time-Sert Ford spark plug M14x125 pn 5553-8 WORLDS BEST F0RD spark plug repair kit M14x125 pn 5553 includes 8 inserts pn 51459 Instructions included in kit.
Designed for Half-Thread HT spark plug applications in 46 and 54 liter engines. Dont spend big money on a poor repair or replacing the head use this professional repair. M14 x 125 spark plug thread repair.
Ford Triton and Z-Tech OVERSIZED HOLES For Spark plugs that have been previously repaired.
WORLDS BEST F0RD spark plug repair kit M14x125 pn 5553 by Time-Sert. Now the 5553 thread repair kit is primarily used on Ford 46 and 54 engines Triton and InTech DOHCs. Time-Sert Ford spark plug kit M14x125 pn 5553. This kit was originally designed for the Ford Escort that shows how long this kit has been around.