Best Gamecube Games. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

Melee is one of the Best GameCube Games for letting off a bit of steam and the rounds are quite short which means it always stays fresh and exciting. Rogue Squadron II was undoubtedly the graphical showcase for the GameCube at launch and remains one of the best-looking games on the system. Metal Gear Solid.
Click on the name of a game below to jump to its description and find out what makes these games the best Nintendo Switch games so far.
The 25 Best Nintendo GameCube Games. Sudden Death at the end of the match was always tense and trying to survive till the end of the round with 250 damage took all of your skill to carry out. 36 rows The best-selling game on the GameCube is Super Smash Bros. Although it could be called more of a Legend of Zelda game spiritually Star Fox Adventures was actually supposed to be another IP altogether.