Best Cartridge Alignment Protractor. For simple alignment tasks or a single turntable arm cartridge combination a simpler tool will get the job done. I prefer two-point alignment systems such as the DB Systems Protractor or AccuTrak arc protractor over single-point systems such as the Clearaudio Alignment Tool Pro-ject Align-It and Mobil Fidelity Geo-disc.
It is time-consuming to find out which one suits you. The cartridge loading and and compliance caclulators will help you choose the right cartridge for your preamp and turntable. Azimuth refers to the way the stylus interfaces with the groove walls.
The Mint LP protractor helped quite a bit but when actually reading the instructions the recommendation was to align the stylus to the tonearm arc at the extremes- by the spindle and at the edge of the platter.
If you need a universal for all tonearm and turntables also with 3 different alignment methods on one protractor then look for DrFeickert made in Germany top quality. For simple alignment tasks it is probably as much as you will ever need. Some like the Turntable Basics mirrored protractor and some will prefer Yips Mintlp tractor. Arc protractors allow super fast accurate cartridge alignment.